The novel Animal Farm, published in 1945 by British author George Orwell, who is famous for his dystopian novels, contains a deep system criticism under its fairytale atmosphere. The work, written as a fable, is among the works of the author that reached the widest masses with the novel 1984. The novel is about a farm and the animals living in it; It deals with states, forms of government and societies in a simple as well as symbolic way.
Orwell's Animal Farm novel, considered among contemporary classics, is among the most remarkable satirical novels of world literature. The author, who includes the negative aspects of more than one administration in the subtext of his novel, builds his main theme on the criticism of socialism. In addition to being ideologically prone to socialism, Orwell also challenges totalitarian rule in his novel.
Get Ready to Roam the World's Most Real and Extraordinary Farm!
The plot of the book is set in the Beylik Farm owned by a man named Mr. Jones. Animals that have been mistreated by Mr. Jones are extremely uncomfortable with this situation. One day the wise pig of the farm, Koca Reis, organizes the animals and explains the idea of revolution to them. Before long, Koca Reis is killed, but his words bequeathed to the animals.
One day, animals rebel on the grounds that their feed is not given, in a way that they themselves did not expect. Mr. Jones and other people are leaving the farm upon this riot of the animals. In this way, the animals that made the revolution settled in their ideals, first started by changing the name of the farm. The pigs undertake the management of this place, which is now called Animal Farm.
Led by two pigs named Napoleon and Snowball, everything goes well in t
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